Sunday, March 18, 2007


Broadway Books, an imprint of Random House is going to publish my bus memoir, QUEEN OF THE ROAD: The True Tale of 47 States, 22,000 Miles, 200 Shoes, 2 Cats, 1 Poodle, a Husband, and a Bus With a Will of Its Own based on this blog, in June '08.

Thanks so much to everyone who read/commented on this blog. Now that Tim and I are stationary again, our plan is to fix up our house, sell it in a couple of years and hit the road to full time again. I guess Tim not only got a bus conversion, but a wife conversion as well -- into a bus nut! (Evil, evil man.)


John Robison said...

Congrats on the book deal. Which RH imprint is doing your book? I'm with Crown, myself. My brother's with another house - St. Martins

It's a neat story - I just happened upon it today.

Best of luck to you. Have you started with the editors yet?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your book deal! This will help inspire many others to tell their story, and publish it.

All the best.

Jerry Waxler
Memory Writers Network (View site »)

Alex said...

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